Take the DARE (registration form at bottom of page)

D.A.R.E. is EHBC's discipleship process of getting the right people in the right places of service and ministry for the right reasons! We offer a series of 4 classes that will familiarize you with the overall purpose of our church (membership class), 4 habits every Christian should practice in order to grow spiritually, a spiritual gifts overview and what your gifts might be, and then which ministry in our church might be the best fit for how God has designed you to serve him at EHBC.

Discover God

In the Discover Class, you'll learn the foundations of the Christian faith, some basic information about Eastern Heights Baptist Church and our denomination, along with a little history of our church. Youll also discover why our church exists, how we go about doing ministry and how you can become a valuable part of that ministry. The Discover Class is the only class that is a requirement for membership in our church. Leadership positions require the other 3 classes to be completed.

Next class: Sunday, October 6th- 5:00 pm Fellowship Hall Conference Room

Apply Habits

Everyone has habits! In the Apply Class, we'll explore some helpful habits for Bible study, prayer, connection with other Christians, and sharing your faith in Christ with others. You'll also find out how you can become involved in discipleship ministries at Eastern Heights, like our LIFT Groups (Sunday School, home Bible studies, etc.), and more. The Discover Class is a prerequisite for this class.

Next class: Sunday, October 13th, 5:00pm - Fellowship Hall Conference Room

Recognize S.H.A.P.E

In the Recognize Class, you'll learn about your personal S.H.A.P.E. for ministry--the talents, gifts and abilities God gave you, and how you can use them in a practical way through church ministry. You'll also get an overview of the many ministry opportunities available at our church, and see ways you can "plug in" to make a difference. The Apply Class and a completed Spiritual Gifts Inventory are prerequisites for this class.

Next class: Sunday, October 20th, 5:00pm - Fellowship Hall Conference Room

Explore Opportunites

At Eastern Heights Baptist Church, EVERY member is a minister. Our Explore session is actually a brief coaching experience. Youll meet personally with a D.A.R.E. coach to discuss your personal S.H.A.P.E. and some possible ministries that would be a good fit for you at EHBC. This is the final step to serving in areas of leadership and ministry at Eastern Heights.


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